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The Nicholas Solomon Wanderley Foundation

A non-profit organization(1) with the mission of improving the lives of children and animals in need, while honoring and carrying on Nicholas’ legacy of supporting underprivileged populations and loving and caring for animals.

The Foundation’s purpose is to raise funds in the US and Brazil and to donate the funds to grassroots charities in both countries that align with causes that Nicholas embraced.

Charities that we currently support include:

  • Associação Familia Adota Familia – Brazilian charity that provides after school program for children 4-15 years old (including: tutoring; computer and music lessons; sports; and two meals per day) and builds/refurbishes homes for underprivileged populations
  • Soul Dog Rescue – A boots-on-the-ground non-profit organization providing spay, neuter, rescue, and vaccinations to different communities across The Navajo Nation, which spans over 27,000 square miles and has only three bricks-and-mortar veterinarian clinics to serve the whole area.
(1) Registered with the IRS; 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status (EIN: 92-1013049)

The Foundation’s Alignment with Causes that Nick Valued

Nick was born and raised in the United States to an American mother and a Brazilian father. Nick’s desire to aid others and alleviate their suffering was greatly influenced by: (i) his mom being a social worker; (ii) his exposure to the poverty in Brazil, where he spent a significant portion of his life; and (iii) his recognition of the blessed life he had. This inspired him to take action, including: distributing food to homeless people in Brazil; volunteering at wildlife shelters at home; raising money for Native American children living on reservations; and being a part of the Volunteer Club at Norwell High School.

Your donations are allowing us to make a real difference in the lives of those most in need!

The work of the charities we support is portrayed in the pictures displayed here. This is just a small representation of the amazing impact that their work and your donations have in the lives of underprivileged children and stray animals.

We hope you will feel compelled to donate and to spread the word about the foundation.

Please Support the Cause and Donate

Making an online donation is easy and secure.

Thank you so much for your support! With your help, we will impact many lives, in Nicholas’ honor!

The Nicholas Solomon Wanderley Foundation is a non-profit organization registered with the IRS and enjoys a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status (EIN: 92-1013049).  Donations made to the foundation will be deductible, to the extent permitted by law. Please consult your tax advisor for the tax deductibility of your donation.

About Nicholas

Nicholas was an amazing son, friend, and human being. He was an old soul – wise and mature beyond his years. He was committed to being his best self and helping others do the same.

Nicholas was present and always sought to harmonize and connect at a deeper level. He intuitively understood people, had great compassion, and was incredibly forgiving and caring. His kindness, positivity, uplifting spirit, easy-going nature, irreverent sense of humor, and great sense of adventure made him an absolute joy to be around.

His brilliant mind, beautiful heart, strong moral compass, courage, generosity, loyalty, and levity were a wonderful combination of qualities – a force for good that made him have a lasting impact in so many people’s lives.

Nicholas was confident, decisive, focused, driven, and ambitious, but he also truly embodied humility. He was an all-honors student and wanted to pursue a career in business, for which he showed great talent from a young age. Yet what really mattered to him was nurturing close relationships and living a purposeful and fun-filled life. He was all about family and friends, treating people kindly and respectfully, being inclusive, and bringing people together.

Nicholas passed away at age 17 on March 20, 2022. He was a passenger in a fatal car crash, the result of alcohol and speeding.

To learn more about Nicholas, please visit the Tributes section below, with words from friends, family and teachers

Instagram Page Created by Nick’s Friends in his Honor

A Short, Yet Fulfilling and Purposeful Life

8th Grade Speech at Derby Academy

Nicholas in the Words of Friends, Family and Teachers

Tribute from Derby Academy


Norah McCarthy

Dear Nick,

There is so much I want to say, but I can't find the right words. Since we lost you, there has been a hole in all our hearts that I keep trying to fill. The loss of you was one of the hardest things I and many others have gone through, but it taught me a lot. You taught me that life is short and precious, and we should live every day with love, excitement, and confidence, just as you did. Although we only got the chance to be friends for a year and a half, I truly believe you came into my life for a reason. Time and time again, you taught me the value of forgiving; something I have always struggled with came so easily to you. This was because of your profound empathy that allowed you to see not everything is black and white and everyone has their struggles and experiences. No matter the circumstance, you always believed people deserve a second chance, and I try to implement this idea into my life. I also have never met someone so confident and secure in themselves in my life, not in an egotistical way, but in the way that no matter what, you understood and were comfortable in yourself. This was something I always admired and could see from the moment I met you. Throughout your life, you brought people together, were incredibly generous and honest. Any time we were in a group or something was wrong in my life, I always sought you out to talk to because you would always listen to me and knew just what to say to make it better. You truly cared about your friends. I feel extremely blessed and grateful I got the chance to know you and call you my friend. Your absence will forever be felt, but the lessons and impact you leave outweigh that. I will continue to try and live my life the way you did to honor you. Thank you for everything Nick, your legacy will live on in my life forever.

With love,


Brendan McGovern

Hi. I’m Brendan McGovern and Nick was my best friend for as long as I can remember. Whenever I tell someone I am an only child, the immediate response to me is I wish, or you are so lucky, but I think the opposite. Being an only child is boring, but more importantly lonely, especially with two working parents. As a kid all I ever wanted was that sibling-like connection that seemingly everyone had. This all changed when a new neighbor moved in when I was in 6th grade. This neighbor's name was Nick, coincidentally Nick was an only child. Nick and I hung out every day for the rest of elementary and middle school. We would study together, have sleepovers, and play on the same sports teams. We would be together so much that people started to call Nick and I brothers. Thanks to Nick I became comfortable in my own skin, and met people that I will be friends with my whole life.

Nick taught me a lot throughout the years I knew him, but what truly impresses me about Nick’s character is the way I continue to learn and grow using his ideologies, even after he has passed.

Without Nick, I sincerely believe that the ability to branch out and try new things, meet new people, would be a skill that I was never taught. He was such a fearless person who never minded how others perceived him. One day, Nick suddenly decided he wanted to try out for the Norwell lacrosse team. Never having played, I lent him some equipment and went out to the fields with a few friends to practice. We stayed out there for a couple hours. Not once did I see him get flustered or get upset as a result of his lack of experience, only pure excitement and joy. After Nick's passing I was expectedly sad, but it's been a year and I’ve had a lot of time to experience this new life without him; and as time goes on, I find myself inspiring others with the words of my best friend nick. The way Nick lived his life will not be forgotten as his values are still being passed from person to person each day.

To my best friend, you’ve changed my life without even trying. Knowing you has been the biggest honor of my life. I miss you so much. I want you to know that I’ll still always be here for you and I know you'll always be by my side because our bond will never be broken. I still remember all the fun times we had together, all the inside jokes, and all the secrets we shared. I also want to thank you for everything you gave me. You taught me how to be a better person, how to be kind, compassionate, and brave. You inspired me to pursue my dreams, to believe in myself, and to never give up. You were my go to person. There wasn’t a problem of mine that you couldn’t help with. Luckily, you gave me the courage and confidence that I needed to grieve. I still wish you were here, by my side, sharing in all the joys and challenges of life. I love you Nick.

What I want all of you to do when we leave is think about what you found so special in Nick and try to implement it in your life, whether it is growing your confidence, practicing forgiveness, or simply telling some of Nick's jokes. When you are in a tough situation say to yourself, what would Nick do? If you never stop asking this question, his memory will live with you forever.


Alexandre Cotsifis

Thank you, Nick.

Thank you for everything you taught me when you were alive, and thank you for everything you taught me since you passed.

In life, you were the most uplifting, energetic person I’ve ever met. Your happiness and sense of humor were contagious, it lifted the spirits of everyone in every room. I honestly can’t think of a bad memory with you, and the amount of love surrounding you shows that I am not the only one that feels this way. You were always eager to do more, trying to live life to its fullest.

When we went on holidays together you made sure everyone made the most out of each day, midway through something you were already pitching us on what to do next, and then what to do next from that. That makes you wonder if it was destiny as if doing so much in so little time was your way to get around that. What I know for a fact is that years aren’t a good measure of what you lived, and you did it surrounded with love and happiness, you really made the most out of it.

Thank you for showing me there’s more between heaven and earth than meets the eye, and thank you for working so hard to show the ones you loved that you're still around, I cannot imagine how we all would’ve been without your endless effort to help mitigate the loss of your physical presence.

Thank you for guiding all of us, but especially Mario and Kim, I cannot fathom the pain in their chest, and I know that your help and guidance are major reasons for the way that they are handling all of this and that they are even able to create this foundation, use your name and your memories to do good to the world, which was always your main goal.

I miss you with my heart, and I'm thankful for all the great memories that we had, we love you eternally.


Denise Wanderley

Meu querido Nick,

Há um ano, recebemos a notícia mais triste e inacreditável das nossas vida! Você tinha partido...
O chão se abriu, o nosso mundo desabou e não conseguíamos entender nem aceitar tamanha tragédia. O sofrimento dos seus pais nos dilacerava o coração.

O tempo foi passando e, conversando muito com Deus e com você, percebi que continuávamos conectados e o quanto você está feliz ao lado do nosso Pai e de Nossa Senhora, além dos nossos familiares, numa grande rede de amor!

O legado que você nos deixou de alegria, amor, leveza, empatia e generosidade transformou a nossa indignação da sua partida em GRATIDÃO a Deus por nos permitir conviver com um ser humano tão especial e que viveu tão intensamente num curto espaço de tempo...

Você realmente pertencia a um mundo muito melhor e nos fez entender que, de fato, estamos aqui de passagem, e precisamos fazer dessa estadia a melhor possível e isso você fez com maestria!! Que exemplo de doação, amizade, cuidado, alegria, família você deixou!!!

A Fundação Nicholas Salomon Wanderley é a prova viva disso!
Seu pai e sua mãe fundaram uma organização sem fins lucrativos com a missão de melhorar a vida de crianças e animais necessitados, enquanto honra e continua o seu legado de: Orientar crianças mais novas; Apoiar populações carentes; e Amar e cuidar dos animais

Desta forma, seus pais deixam viva a sua presença em nossa memória, nossos corações e na vida de tantas crianças e animais necessitados!!

Que legado você deixou, meu sobrinho!!!
Quanto orgulho, admiração e gratidão por você!!!

Receba as nossas orações e o nosso amor eterno!
Saudade, sempre!!! Sofrimento, não mais!

Um dia nos encontraremos, meu lindo!

Amamos você


Michael Weimann

“Nick was my closest friend. I met him on the first day of freshman year. There was something Nick had that nobody else did. He lit up every room. He was the funniest person I knew. Nick shaped me into the young man I am today. He taught me countless things. Nick had his own type of language that everyone adapted to. I find myself and others still saying things Nick made up. Nick was my everything. The day after the accident, I thought to myself. “God, why Nick?”. Then Nick's passing brought me closer with his parents and I realized that this was Nick's destiny. I am so grateful for every second spent together. Nick was so developed at such a young age. I think about the stamp he put on this earth. Nick was my counterpart. I love you so much Nick. I couldn’t have asked for a better best friend. LLNW

Ashley Blumberg

Nick was a student in my Honors Geometry class during his freshman year at Norwell High School. It was apparent from day one that there was something very special about him. He was friendly, kind and so polite. Nick entered our class with a positive attitude everyday. He was a motivated and curious math student who enjoyed working through challenging problems. Always putting forth his best effort, Nick took the initiative to stay on top of his assignments, especially if he missed a day of school. Nick was a well rounded student with a passion for basketball and for giving back to his community through his volunteer work.

As I reread several emails I have from Nick, he always ended them with “Thank you very much and have a good day!” or “Thank you and have a nice night!” or “Thank you and hope you are doing well!”. Due to Covid, our time spent in the classroom setting was cut short, however my final email from Nick reads “Thank you so much for helping me have an amazing first year at the high school!”. Nick was a special person and someone who left a lasting impact on me and so many people at NHS. I’m lucky to have had Nick Wanderley as a student and I will always remember him for the positivity he shared within the NHS community and the kindness he showed to all those around him.


Caroline Koch

Dear Nick,

I can still remember the first time we officially met and hung out. It was the first night me and a few other friends came to your house. Just the very first of many, memorable nights.

We honestly didn’t know each other well before this moment, but you welcomed me with open arms (literally) and being the more reserved person I am, I felt instantly relieved and comfortable by your warmth presence. From there on out, our greetings and goodbyes consisted of hugs. I’d do anything to hug you once more.

I can still easily visualize walking into your house or what our friends began calling “home”, and hugging you and receiving a “Sup Caroline” with a head nod. From there on out, you had become a good friend in my life, but even more importantly, a role model. Now, I honestly can’t remember if Kaitlin, Norah, or I ever even told you this, but I want to share this for people to hear the immense impact you had on me and many others.

The morning after our first time hanging out, Kait, Norah, and I had seriously broken out into tears because of your kind, old soul. We were driving and began talking for about 30 minutes about how much we loved you. We were so impressed and taken back by your mindset, support for others, and how easygoing you were. You had this incredible mindset which really changed my own. You didn’t care what people thought of you, and taught me to do the same. Your support for others was unreal for someone at your age. You were such a good listener, you cared so much for how people felt and what they had to say, and every conversation I had with you felt so worthy and meaningful. You were always so easygoing. You simply just wanted to see others happy and the best for all. Even when your house overflowing with people, you were the one calming others, keeping the peace, and making sure everyone was having a good time. I am inspired by these traits of yours, and each day I try to practice them to become a better version of myself, a version of you.

Thank you for all you have done and taught me. We will continue to celebrate you and honor you each day.

I miss and love you forever, Nick.


Maeve Ross

As everyone knows, Nick had a big heart. I do not think I’ve ever witnessed him do something for himself in a room full of people. Nick came into the world with a purpose, and he left it without regrets, without those “what if”thoughts. What if I was more inclusive? What if I was nicer? What if I had worked at my goals a little harder? Nick didn’t leave with any of these questions. He just was. He spoke, thought, and acted with a purpose, and I’m not quite sure if he knew this. Although he definitely walked with a bit of confidence, I don’t think I believe he knew his purpose. He just acted how he perceived the world: like a gift. It was just how he was. I’m not sure I can say I know many people like Nick. Even when he was here with us, my friends and I would constantly talk about his charisma and expression - it was like nothing we had seen before.

However, I wanted to share some aspects of Nick and memories I have of him. I cannot really explain why I wanted to share these specific values of Nick, but they resonate with me.

First, I think everyone agrees with me when I say Nick’s mannerisms were practically famous here in Norwell. The swaying and shaking of his knees while he was fidgeting with his hands – one hand in a fist while the other was hitting that hand. No matter who was he was speaking to, friend, teacher, parent, this was the stance. For some odd reason, the remembrance of his funny stance brings me great joy. It reminds me to slow down sometimes, to take everything a lot less seriously.

Although covid is not much of a fond memory, my classes with Nick sophomore year were truly special to me. Specifically when Ms McKinley, our English teacher, would constantly ask Nick to pull up his mask. Or when Mr. Belmore, our junior year English teacher, would ask him to take out his iPad. Willingly, Nick would take it out, but the iPad did not quite resemble an iPad anymore. It was more like shards of glass sprawled out on a table. As expected, we all gave him a hard time every time we worked digitally.

These specific mannerisms and vast experiences I have gotten to share with Nick hold a place close to my heart. I appreciate every moment I have spent with him, even the ones that may seem not so enlightening. But to me and to all of us, we know that Nick played a part in turning those trying times into something far more memorable. NW4L


Kaitlin Lozcano

For my tribute I wrote Nick a letter, I have been trying to figure out the best way to honor him and I thought that if I had 5 more minutes with him, this is what I would want him to know.

Dear Nick,

I want to start this off by saying thank you. After meeting you for the first time, I knew instantly that we’d click, as you had a wise head on your shoulders and an old soul. Your heart was filled with so much love and compassion. What other people had to say never seemed to get to you, as you were always so confidently unbothered and years ahead of your time. You knew who you were and didn’t let other people's opinions affect your own which I always thought was very admirable. I don’t think saying thank you is enough given the impact you left on myself and everyone else who had the pleasure of knowing you. You taught me how to be forgiving and compassionate even when I didn’t want to, and helped me see this world in a brighter light. I know I wasn’t your closest friend and you had different relationships with everyone in your life, but never made me feel less important. During one of our last conversations, you mentioned that you admired how personable I was, which still resonates with me to this day. Ironically, I can’t think of a better way to describe you. The impact you left on everyone is unimaginable and I am forever grateful. I miss you Nick and know you will always be with me.

Love, Kait


Caroline Hayes


Your passing has taught me so much, things I wish I would’ve been able to figure out myself with you still here. You probably never realized it, but your presence in classrooms and outside of school made an immeasurable difference. You quite literally lit up the room with your snarky, but intelligent comments. I wish you were still here today, nobody should have their life cut short at seventeen, but I thank you. Thank you for showing me that the best thing to do is be yourself. I remember you ordered a banana split when all of us went out for dessert. We all laughed together, but you were set on getting the sundae. It was something I admired and have looked back on ever since. But most importantly, thank you for making me realize how delicate life is. I never leave my house without telling my parents I love them. I hug my friends a little tighter whenever I get the chance. Nick, you are one of the most genuine and inspiring kids I ever met. I would not trade anything in this world for the time that we spent together. You single handedly brought us all together and have left an everlasting impact, and I know you are laughing and smiling down on all of us right now. You truly did care an unbelievable amount for everyone in your life. I miss you beyond words can say, and I thank you for making life more enjoyable in our small town during the time we had together.


Ty Cashman

Nick is someone whom I will forever think of as my closest friend. From the day I met him at Mass Maritime basketball camp, what I quickly learned about Nick was that he was hard-working and motivated. He would take notes when the coaches spoke and would look forward to improving at every game.

In sixth grade, we became very close as we would go twice a week to Next Level, a basketball training program. We would push each other hard in the lifts and basketball workouts. We would always find the fun in the workouts no matter how hard they were. We also hung out most weekends and played on the same AAU basketball team in 6th and 7th grade. Nick and I couldn't escape each other. He would just walk into my house, and it was normal. Nick was a brother to me, a part of my family. Going to school with Nick and Brendan was the best part of my life so far. Every single day we would joke around and find fun when we were stressed out. Derby Academy for those three years with Nick and Brendan was a place where I looked forward to learning.

The joy I would have with Nick and Brendan is something that will never be matched. Whenever I would dap up Nick and say hi the feeling I would get was an insane amount of love. I loved Nick so much that I truly can’t even express it on this page. Nick was the funniest person I have ever met. My other friends will never compare to Nick. I truly believe we were meant to meet. He was literally the perfect friend. Another trait of Nick’s that I loved was his bravery. Nick wouldn't back down from anyone. Like my dad said after one Barker game, “Nick is the most confident person I have ever met”. Nick's confidence rubbed off on me and he transformed me into a braver, more outgoing, and more confident person.

I could go on and on about Nick; I have countless stories to tell about him. But the most important thing that the reader should know from this is that Nick was special. He was almost too special to believe. Nick’s friendship is something I will never forget and will cherish forever. I love him so much. Finding out that he was gone forever was the single hardest pill I ever had to swallow. Even though AJ, Brendan, and I are left behind physically without our best friend, I know he is up in heaven watching us. I also know he is proud of his two strong parents Kim and Mario whom I love so much and will continue to hang out with for many years to come. I love you, Nick.


Max Flanders

Nicholas Solomon Wanderley. Where can I start.

Ever since the day I met Nick freshman year, he was the most sociable, selfless, and funny kid. I was lucky enough to be able to call him one of my best friends. I would never trade the memories I was able to make by his side. Nick was able to connect all of us to so many new people. I believe that his ability to socially connect and understand others was Nick’s most desirable trait. When I think of Nick, I think of summer. During the summers I spent with him, he was always eager to stay busy, whether it was playing spike ball and skim boarding at the beach every day, taking a long car ride to six flags, or playing some basketball outside. Even in the winter, going skiing with Nick and Dylan was the best trip I’ve ever taken. One of the most vivid moments of him was when he tried to ski straight down a black diamond of moguls and ended up falling on his face; it was a very tough watch. However, I can't stand here and lie to you and act like Dylan, and I didn’t get a kick out of it. Whether my friends and I were laughing with or at Nick, he never failed to put a smile on all of our faces. I enjoyed every moment I ever experienced with Nick, and he left a never-ending impact on all of us. Those two and a half high school years I spent with him were the most enjoyable times of my life, and I don’t regret any of it. Most of all, Nicky was the most loving person, friend, and son I’d ever met. Instead of looking down upon this tragedy, I’ve learned to grow and make the most of my young years with everyone I encounter. It’s what Wand would have wanted, he was just that type of guy. He was like the brother I never had. I will never forget the memories and great times I experienced with Nick, and I want everyone to be able to celebrate his beautiful life. To Nick Wanderley, rest in absolute peace. We love you and miss you.


Elana Murphy


The first day we met, I was 10 years old, and you were only a couple of weeks into the world. It feels like forever ago, even though I remember the moment as clearly as the day when I first held you in my arms.

From that moment forward, being a witness to your journey was an honor. The impact you had on me and all those that were blessed to know you was that of a person wise beyond your years. You knew when to speak up and when to be quiet and just listen, which made everyone feel at ease around you and claim the freedom to be themselves. One of the greatest gifts you gave during your time here.

All of the precious memories that you and I share play like music in my mind. And the signs that you sprinkle into my days assure me that you’re always there.

Love you forever!


Grace Oliver

Dear Nick,

Not a day goes by where I don’t think about you and miss you. I consider myself one of the luckiest people ever because I met you three years ago. From the day I met you, I could sense your kind soul and willingness to accept and love anyone. You taught me many things throughout our friendship and continue to do so. You taught me how to forgive, and showed me the definition of a true friend and amazing person. You were always filled with such joy, you were so easy to talk to, so easygoing and above all one of the most caring people I have ever met. You showed me the light in this world even when I couldn’t see it. You cared about everyone you crossed paths with, you asked the little questions and made sure everything was always going well. The talks that meant the most was those when we would talk about our futures and what we were excited to do and achieve. You continue to motivate me on a day to day basis. Though you may not be here in the physical to accomplish the things we had talked about, you motivate me to accomplish my goals for you. I know there were others that you were closer with but no doubt about it, you treated me no differently. You were always there to lend a shoulder, mentally or physically. The impact you left on me and others will last a life time and your character and heart will never be forgotten. I am eternally grateful. I miss you and know in my heart and that through the universe, you will be and are always with me.

Much Love,


Jason Weitz

When I walked into freshman year, I wasn’t really thinking anything too life changing would happen. I sat down in the homeroom then noticed a kid I did not recognize. He quickly introduced himself as Nick, and said he played basketball. I saw Nick around the school quickly use his great communication skills and trying to make friends with everyone he could. Nick was one of the funniest, most amusing people I have ever hung out with. I will still use the different funny sayings he used to say on a daily basis. Sophomore year was the best year of my life and it would not have been the same without Nick being there. He was always happy and I never saw him upset. Although he may have had some horrible hot takes, he was super intelligent. Again in history working with him on some research essay, the way he flowed with words was different than anyone else. He is a huge inspiration to the way I act and think and even though he is not here physically, his spirit will always be there for me.